Sunday, January 25, 2009

That's My Girl!

Anyone who really knows me knows how important music is in my life. So I was really pleased when I found out my daughter shares my like for music! We enjoy listening to music together.

She really enjoys the earphones. When she sees them, she tries to grab them so she can hear the music.

I know she likes the music, but I also think she is fascinated with the 'now you hear it, now you don't' aspect of earphones when you take them on and off.
Often when she hears music, she will swing her hand like she is keeping the beat. We also enjoy dancing to sleep or just sitting and listening to relaxing music to help us get to sleep.

Hanging out on the sunny day at the beach this year. Unfortunately the day these pictures were taken, she was kind of miserable with her first cold, but she seemed to soak in all the new sensory information she experienced that day anyway.
Well, I'm off to go listen to some music with my daughter!

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