Sunday, June 15, 2008

Random Photos

I like how the focus is on the off-center flower, yet the colors balance the picture out without being symetrical.

I wish I had a stronger zoom, but I still like being able to see the craters of the moon.

The Astoria-Megler bridge from the Hammond Marina. Notice the 'fish bone' trees on the skyline--physical memories of the December wind storm.

This white moth on our white wall looks kind of angelic...

...until you see it close up. Especially with those piercing eyes and the 'hairy' look. I like how you can even see the shadow of antenae hairs on the wall.


Anonymous said...

curious what settings you had for the moon shot?

I've been trying to get it right for the moon shots and keep coming up with too much light.

DMo said...

Thanks for your comment, g.

I had to reduce the Exposure Value (EV) so it wouldn't look like a bright white dot on a black background. In this particular case I had it reduced to the maximum my camera allows.

Other than that there were no special settings.

Here's the specs:

Nikon D40
Zoom: 200mm
Aperture: f/9
Shutter Speed: 1/125s
ISO 400
Exposure Compensation: -5.0 EV