Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Courtesy Post

Sometimes I'm not in a blogging mood. Especially on extra tired days. Because I tend analyze everything I write to make sure its really what I want to say and how I want to say it.

But at the same time, I don't want to let my few, periodic viewers down by not having anything new to look at.

Maybe that's why I like pictures so much. They take less word-smith energy and are often more interesting than anything I could write.

A rare Moss Grove picture.
Rare for two reasons: (1) it was sunny and (2) it was early morning.

Blue Moon

Baby's first taste of cereal in all of her whole eternal life.

Apple-Turkeys to kick-off Thanksgiving week.
What are you thankful for?
Courtesy of our youngest son, this is one of my favorite Apple-Turkeys this year. I call him 'Sputnik'. Can you find his head?
By the way...why is more than one turkey spelled 'turkeys' and not 'turkies'?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your "courtesy post"...it was good to see you are still alive!

Living Lavallee said...

Does baby have red hair? I love red hair!