Monday, December 17, 2007

The Highlight of Last Week

Now that I've recorded some of my experiences and thoughts about the storm we had two weeks ago, I can go back to regularly (or regular random) scheduled programing with lighter topic mixed with occasional contemplative posts.

My kids never fail to surprise me. They do things I would never think of...yet when you realize their reasoning, it totally makes sense. You can read this last week's unique experience by meandering down the Moss Grove Wildlife Trail Head...


Unknown said...

Wow! Reading your commentary from Storm Day 1 through this most recent, we've concluded we're very blessed to be out of most storms' way! Excellent review of events, Dalan! Keep that documented for posterity (and family)! So thankful you and your family were protected through all that!


John Andersen said...

DMO, I am going to send your blog posts to some of my neighbors and Church leaders. I think it would be a good play-by-play reading that will help us contemplate the status of all of our emergency preparedness plans.

Thanks again for the documentary.