Sunday, August 3, 2008

Panther Creek Falls, Washington State

I took a few days off work for our annual summer vacation attempt. This year we spent a few days camping in my Brother/Sister-in-law's backyard. We actually wereable to do a lot of stuff during those three days and three night.

Saturday morning, my brother-in-law, who is really into photography, took me to one his favorite waterfalls, Panther Creek Falls in Wind River valley, Washington, so we could practice taking pictures with our new cameras.

It is only 65 feet high, but one of the most picturesque water falls I've ever seen. Two creeks join at the falls which adds to it's features. Plus there are multiple levels forming a small chain of waterfalls. The water is crystal clear--so much so that the 'fizz' formed at the bottom of the falls and rapids is white mixed with bright baby blue. Just looking at it makes you want to dip in a glass and drink the best tasting, ice cold water you've ever had.

Here are some of the pictures I took from the falls (click the image for more detail):

Here is where the higher creek starts trickling down the 65 ft. drop. You can barely see the second creek dumping down the cliff on the bottom right corner. Note: To get that smooth 'lace drapery' look, I used a tripod and a slower shutter speed. A faster shutter speed would show rough droplets opposed to smooth lines.

Here is the full falls. Pictures don't do it justice, nor does the picture capture the size. Notice how the white water intertwines with the green vegetation.

A few hundred feet from the main falls is this smaller falls. You can see the baby blue in the water at the base of the falls. Almost every log and surface area was covered in a thick carpet of Moss.

Here you can see a mini-ledge in front of the lower falls in front of the large falls. It a little difficult to tell without the ability to decipher depth.

Can't forget the benefits of 3-D. Get your blue/red 3-D glasses!


John Andersen said...

Ok...your camera may be nice, but really, you are an artist! Those shots are great! I need to get one of those waterfall shots for my computer's wallpaper!

KendraNoel said...

How did you get to the bottom of the falls. Me and my boyfriend know how to get to the forest service's observation platform near the top of the falls but we would love to be able to take shots from the bottom.

DMo said...

To get to the lower falls we had to hike down through the forest from the platform (in the direction the river flows). You should be able to see a little trail. Hope that helps.

ontherunrn said...

So beautiful, I moved from Wa to Oklahoma and look up pictures when I am home sick. I think I will have to find panther creek falls when I am in state.