Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Disney 2007: Day 4

Actually, we didn't go to Disneyland on Day 4, we just went to the Lego Store in "Downtown Disney."

Here's "Luke Skywalker" posing with his good friend R2D2 just moments before......

...meeting up with the long, long ago, in a galaxy far far away's most notorious wayward good guy.

Here, Kitty, Kitty

"It's a small world after all...." unless you're the one putting all of these tiny Legos together.

Speaking of tiny Legos, this Giraffe was almost life size, towering way above our head to the the ceiling. I can't even imagine how many Lego's it took to do this...and the person who made it probably went broke considering we paid about $3 for five lego pieces to create one customized Lego person.

This was impressive as well. I'm guessing this was about 10 feet high or more.

1 comment:

John Andersen said...

Wow my son would have loved to stop in there. We went to Disneyland last year - we didn't stop at the downtown Disney stores. Wished we would have now.