Sunday, July 29, 2007

Guest Blogger: K (5-yrs-old)

(Spoken by 'K'; typed by dad)

Star Wars Blog:

I want a picture of R2:

I want Star Wars fruit snacks...'cause then they would have R2, lightsabre, and Yoda and Luke....and a gun!

I know another thing I would like: Star Wars Lasagna. Luke-shaped eggs.

A rainbow toy light sabre. Um....and Luke clothes for next time its Halloween and Luke boots. I'm gonna have Luke boots. And a toy Luke light sabre. And a pocket thingy to put my light sabre in. Now I could be Luke for Halloween. And a toy gun that's Luke's.

I wanna real R2 robot. And another robot named 3PO.

Um...a Star Wars TV Show where everyone gets trapped, except for Luke, and Luke has to save them. And then another movie that's the Christmas Star Wars.

Um....Um.....Ah...Oh, yeah. A new TV with pictures of Luke all around it. And another TV with R2 all around. And another TV with Han all around it.

A computer game where you have to be Luke and Luke has to save his friends. Except for who gets to be his buddy! And R2 is Luke's buddy.

And now another game is Christmas, where Luke saves Christmas by saving everyone and destroying all the bad guys.

Um...Um, a picture to print out that's a picture of all of them in the forest place, where they get to go on those hover things., yeah! A pencil with Luke and R2 on.

1 comment:

J-Dog said...

I always thought Christmas was about loving and NOT Slicing-and-Dicing.